Now that you know the importance of landing pages and how they can help to boost your bottom line, the next question is: How do you optimise your landing pages so they do everything they promise to do?

In this chapter, let’s go through all the landing page design essentials and show you best practices for each.

The Key Components

Let’s dissect a landing page together to learn about the various elements every landing page should have, from the headline to the submit button.

1) No Navigation

Once visitors land on your page, you don’t want them to leave until they hand over that information and receive your offer. For that reason, it’s important to keep your navigation options to a minimum. Hide top and side navigation bars from the site so that nothing distracts them from completing the form

These visitors landed on your site for a reason: to receive the offer your promoted. You’re actually doing them a favor by removing the distractions of links to other pages until they’re able to receive your offer – and you’re doing yourself a favor by reducing your landing page’s bounce rate.

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